EFD 2024 –

Eco Farm Day 2024: Growing Together

Eco Farm Day brings together established farmers and new farmers with related businesses interested in food and farming in Eastern Ontario & Western Quebec. At the event, participants learn, engage, and connect on current technical and business issues that matter in the organic sector through a series of panels, presentations, farmer-to-farmer sessions and one-on-one discussions with exhibitors.

Thank you to all who joined us for Eco Farm Day 2024. We look forward to seeing you in 2025!

EFD 2022 – 

COG-OSO is pleased to announce this year’s Eco Farm Day, along with our regional and national partners: COG National and the Growing Eastern Ontario Organically initiative; Eastern Ontario Agri-food Network; and Just Food.

Working together, we will focus on creating discussions on current regional needs and farmer-led solutions to grow the region sustainably.

Join any or all of the 5 sessions below!

9-10am: Labour on organic farms

10:15-11:15am: Local Farmers and Food Security to Feed Everyone

12-1:30pm: Soil health/grazing management for livestock producers

1:45-3:15pm: No-till vegetable production

3:30-5:00pm: Transitioning and Organic Field Crop Rotations in Context

EFD 2020 –

Conference Highlights

EFD 2020 Kris Nichols kicked things off with her passion for mycorrhizal fungi and was incredibly generous with her time and knowledge. She answered questions and shared accessible tools to better understand our soils. Ellen Polishuk energized us to keep improving this growing season, emphasizing how to take care of all living things on the farm – including ourselves.

We screened “The Need to Grow” at the Port Theatre with the Director, Rob Herring in attendance. Plus, we hosted 40 exhibitors and sponsors in the annual trade show!

We were also featured in the local media! Check out this article from the Standard Freeholder on the event.

EFD 2019Presentations

EFD 2018Presentations

EFD 2017Presentations

EFD 2016Presentations

EFD 2015Presentations

EFD 2014Speakers and Summaries

EFD 2013Presentations

EFD 2012Presentations

EFD 2011Presentations

EFD 2010Presentations

EFD 2009Presentations

EFD 2008Presentations