Sunday 9th July, 2023

Interested in learning more about how a wide range of organic farmers deal with the day-to-day challenges of farming organically in a conventional agricultural environment?  

Join us for a tour of three farms

in the agricultural area just east of Ottawa.




9.30 am  Tour starts at Paul Desrosiers Farm, Rte 600 W, St-Albert, ON. Certified organic grains and oilseeds. Plan on 1 to 1 1/2 hours (13) La municipalité de La Nation Municipality – Posts | Facebook

11.00 – 11.10 am leave Ferme Desrosiers and travel to Ferme Sam Gerstgrasser, 1369 Route 500 Ouest, Casselman, (10 minute drive)

11.10 am Tour of the Ferme Gerstgrasser – Certified organic dairy farm  [1 to 1-1/2 hours]

1.00 pm Lunch  (bring your own lunch), either at the farm, or at the Village Gagnon Pavilion, where there are washrooms available, 5 minutes away.

1.30 pm Drive to, Champlain Harvest Farm, 3000 Champlain Street, Bourget (30 minute drive) (13) Champlain Harvest Farm | Facebook

2.00 pm  Tour of the Champlain Harvest Farm, Organic vegetables, fruits, and berries  [1 to 1 1/2 hours or however long Lori and Pierre are prepared to host us if there are many questions].

Please note that each participant in the tour is expected to provide their own packed lunch.

There is no charge for the tour, but donations to help support the Canadian Organic Growers – Ottawa-St Lawrence-Outaouais Chapter will be gratefully accepted (we will have a donation box at the tour).


Please notify the tour organizer, Dick Coote, of your intentions to participate in the tour, so that we can notify you of any changes/issues that may arise … and answer any questions you may have: (preferred) or 613-889-8600.

2023 COG-OSO Summer Organic Farm Tour